Free prop sounds
Got Pike?
(please read the license files)

Classic ProffieOS SD card content

This download contains free fonts from 2018, back in the day when Smoothswing was new and ProffieOS was still called "TeensySaber". It contains 6 fonts and 4 tracks:
  • TeensySaber Font - provided by KRSabers
  • Rouge Commander - provided by Thexter
  • Smooth Fuzz - provided by Thexter
  • Smooth Jedi - provided by Thexter
  • Smooth Gray - provided by Thexter
  • Tythonian Crystal - by Dayad Jocen

The tracks are all from a public domain performance of Holst's "The Planets". I'm farily certain that John Williams drew some insperation from these when he made the original Star Wars sound track, so the fit in well with the Star Wars universe.

ProffieOS / TeensySaber Default SD card files 📥

Voice packs for ProffieOS

These files are currently only used by Fett263s menu system in ProffieOS 6.x and higher. But will probably find their way into other files in the future. In general, you would only need one of these and put the files in the "common" directory on your sd card, but you can download multiple, put them in separate directories and use the font search paths to select which files are used. All of these files were provided by NoSloppy.
Language Variants
English 🔈📥 🔈📥 🔈📥 🔈📥 🔈📥 🔈📥
Chinese 🔈📥
Spanish 🔈📥 🔈📥
French 🔈📥
Russian 🔈📥 🔈📥 🔈📥
Japanese 🔈📥
Italian 🔈📥 🔈📥 🔈📥 🔈📥 🔈📥
If you want to know what messages exist in each voice pack, check out the ProffieOS Sound Library.

If you're having problems, check out the troubleshooting page.

Problems? Questions? Suggestions? Check out The Crucible.
This page has been accessed 27,642 times since September 25th, 2021.
Last modified: April 25th, 2022 - Design by Monica & Fredrik Hübinette