Teensy Saber Electronics V2
Got Pike?
DIY Teensy based lightsaber

(note, picture is of version 2.2)

Download TeensySaber 2.3 KiCad files here.

What you will need: Follow this handy guide for how to put everything together. Note that the markings on the board are not great for locating where to put the components, so I recommend printing out a component map and the list above, then cross things off as you go.


click to download schematic

Changes from previous version (2.2)

  • Reduced number of different components by two.
  • Better stencil (might still need improvement though)

Problems? Questions? Suggestions? Check out The Crucible.

This page has been accessed 8,133 times since April 19th, 2017.
Last modified: March 29th, 2021 - Design by Monica & Fredrik Hübinette