Proffieboard V2.2
Got Pike?
open-source lightsaber controller

Download Proffieboard 2.2 KiCad files here.

What you will need: Follow this handy guide for how to put the top side together. Note that the markings on the board are not great for locating where to put the components, so I recommend loading up the design in kicad and printing out something that shows where all the components should go. Once the top side is done, you can test the USB, CPU, motion and three of the FETs before continuing. Using a skillet will probably not work for the bottom side though, instead you need to use a hot-air solder station to melt the solder after the components have been placed.


SVG Picture created as teensysaberv2.svg date 2019/10/19 12:27:58 Picture generated by Eeschema-SVG
All the design files on this page, including the schematic above are licensed under the TAPR Open Hardware License.

Problems? Questions? Suggestions? Check out The Crucible.

This page has been accessed 58,397 times since October 19th, 2019.
Last modified: March 7th, 2023 - Design by Monica & Fredrik Hübinette