Proffieboard part map

If you have a missing or damanged component on your Proffieboard, this page will help you identify it and what you can do about it. If you have a hot-air soldering station, most of these components are relatively to easy to replace, just look up the component you need in the BOM.

R5 Serves two functions: It protect the board from battery power, and also limits how much current the blade pixels can leech from the board when they are supposed to be off. Can be replaced with a bridge, but the board will be vulnerable unless there is an external resistor somewhere. Note that if you have a pogo pin connector, the resistor should be between the board and the pogo pins, having one in the blade is not sufficient to protect the board.
L2 Filters out noise on the power provided to the CPU In most cases, this can be replaced with a bridge. The extra noise is still unlikely to cause problems for the CPU.
Q1-Q6 Controls the power to the LEDs or Pixels There are six of these, and if some of them are not used, these become your spares if one of these breaks. So if you short your blade and Q2/Q3 fries, just hook up your blade to LED4/5 instead and update your configuration accordingly.
D61 Prevents current flow to the battery when on USB Sometimes, this breaks down in an odd way, where the board will work just fine IF you plug it in to USB to boot it up. While the board can potentially operate if this is replaced with a bridge, it's not safe to do so, and the component must be replaced to make the board work again.
RN4 Protects the USB and CPU from each other Can potentially be replaced with two bridges, but the board will be more vulnerable to electrical spikes over the USB connection. Also, if you bridge the pads, make sure to bridge them the right way, or USB communications will not work.
SW1 BOOT button The board will work just fine without it, until you end up with a bad programming and need to press it. If you remove the button completely, you can short the pads with a paperclip or tweezers when you need to push it.
SW2 RESET button The board will work fine without it. If it's not working, you can short the reset pad to GND instead. Also, if your goal is to put the board in bootloader mode, you can hold BOOT while providing power to the board instead of holding BOOT while pressing reset.
C61 Battery power noise filter This capacitor helps filter out incoming noise and helps the 3.3v regulator work properly. It's entirely possible that the board will work without it, especially if you don't have anything extra drawing power from the 3.3v pad.

This page has been accessed 3,502 times since July 3rd, 2020.
Last modified: July 4th, 2020 - Design by Monica & Fredrik Hübinette