Proffieboard V1/V2 Test Rig
Got Pike?
DIY Teensy based lightsaber

This is a breakout board that makes it easy to test a Proffieboard without having to solder a bunch of wires to it.

Download Proffieboard breakout board kicad files here.

What you will need:
  • Breakout PCB
  • Optionally, a stencil (download kicad file, export gerbers, and upload to oshstencils, or use a vinyl cutter)
  • All the parts from the BOM


Start with the SMD components. Either use a stencil to spread the paste, or dot solder paste on the pads manually. Then place the SMD components. Note that the six LEDs for "LED 1-6" are placed in the opposite direction compared to the other LEDs. (If you look carefully at the picture above, you will see that I failed to take note of this...) Also, beware that the resistor next to 5V LED is 3.3k, while the rest of them are 2.2k. When all the SMD components are in place, either use a reflow oven (or skillet) or a hot-air rework station to melt the solder paste. Next do the switches, pins and headers. All of which are standard through-hold components.


All the inputs/outputs are labelled on the board. Here is a description of what they all do:
  • D1 select: These three jumpers lets you decide what is hooked up to data 1. PU = 10k pullup, PD = 10k pulldown, PXL = pixels
  • Stlink1: This lets you hook up an ST-Link V2 using a 10-pin ribbon cable.
  • 3.3v-P-SD: This lets you select where the Serial and I2C connector source their 3.3 volts from. Putting a jumper from 3.3v to P will take it from the 3.3v pad, and if you put the jumper between P and SD, it will take it from the SD power output. (V2 board only)
  • I2C: For hooking up oled display
  • Serial: For bluetooth modules
  • +-: Power inputs (x2)
  • Speaker: Speaker (duh)
  • Led 1-6: Led pad 1-6
  • Data 1-5: pixel data output 1-5 (For V2 boards data 5 is hooked up to SD power)
  • RX/TX/SDA/SCL/5V: As stated
  • LED1->PXL> : Jumper this to have LED1 power the pixels on the board.

Problems? Questions? Suggestions? Check out The Crucible.

This page has been accessed 3,604 times since October 20th, 2019.
Last modified: March 29th, 2021 - Design by Monica & Fredrik Hübinette