Hubbe's Corner

Various stuff by Fredrik Hubinette.

Got Pike?

Directory of contents:

  • Me - More stuff than you ever wanted to know about me.
  • Plugger - Multimedia plugin for Unix Netscape 3.0 or later.
  • x2vnc - Dual display, one keyboard
  • Games, Solutions and Cheats - A page with solution and cheats for some very cool games
  • My favourite books - A page with book tips for people who like Science Fiction
  • Programming books - Book tips for programmers
  • You think you can fix windows? This is your chance..
  • Pike hacks - a list of Pike programs written by me.
  • The silent computer project. - My plan for watercooling my computers.
  • Links - I know it's lame, but these are links that I use a lot myself.
  • Pike documentation - If you can't find the latest pike documentation, this is your lucky day...

This page has been accessed 5881 times since April 2000
Last modified: April 2000 - Design by Monica Hübinette