Pike dox
Now in Pike green!

This directory contains bleedinge edge documentation for Pike. "bleeding edge" means that it is re-built every night, but it does not mean that it is up to date, bug-free, correct or even ledigble. -- In short I take no responsibility whatsoever for the documentation herein, but offer it in the hope that it will be useful to someone. You can report bugs, typos and mistakes to me but since a new manual is is in the works I will not guarantee that I will fix it.

I currently recommend the 'split into pieces' verersion with frames, or the PDF version. The 'One piece' is not very useful and was originally created for printout purposes, but PDF or postscript should be better for that.

Directory of contents:

HTML Documentation

Split into pieces Larger pieces One piece
Frames Go (September 2000) Go (September 2000) N/A
No Frames Go (September 2000) Go (September 2000) Go (September 2000)
Download Download (June 2000) Download (November 2001) Download (November 2001)

Other formats & links

This page has been accessed 18,164 times since April 11th, 2000.
Last modified: June 12th, 2000 - Design by Monica & Fredrik Hübinette