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14.10 Yabu transaction database

Yabu is a all purpose database, used to store data records associated with a unique key. Yabu is very similar to mappings, however, records are stored in files and not in memory. Also, Yabu features tables, which is a way to handle several mapping-like structures in the same database. A characteristic feature of Yabu is that it allows for transactions. A transaction is a sequence of database commands that will be accepted in whole, or not at all.

Some effort has been made to make sure that Yabu is crash safe. This means that the database should survive process kills, core dumps and such -- although this is not something that can be absolutely guaranteed. Also, all non-commited and pending transactions will be cancelled in case of a crash.

Yabu uses three types of objects, listed below:

A simple example is illustrated below.

// Create a database called "my.database" in write/create mode.
object db = Yabu.db("my.database", "wc");

// Create a table called "fruit".
object table = db["fruit"];

// Store a record called "orange" with the value "yummy".
table["orange"] = "yummy";

// Store a record called "apple" with the value 42.
table["apple"] = 42;

Transactions are slightly more complex, but not much so. See example below.

// Create a database called "my.database"
// in write/create/transaction mode.
object db = Yabu.db("my.database", "wct");

// Create a table called "fruit".
object table = db["fruit"];

// Create a transaction object for table "fruit".
object transaction = table->transaction();

// Store a record called "orange" with
// the value "yummy". Note that this record
// is only visible through the transaction object.
transaction["orange"] = "yummy";

// Store a record called "apple" with the value 42.
// As with "orange", this record is invisible
// for all objects except this transaction object.
transaction["apple"] = 42;

// Commit the records "orange" and "apple".
// These records are now a part of the database.

14.10.1 The database

14.10.2 Tables

14.10.3 Transactions

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