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14.14.1 Introduction

The Crypto module provides an object-oriented framwork for encryption and related functionality. More specifically, its objects han be classified as follows:
Block ciphers
encrypt data in chunks of typically 8 bytes, using a secret key.
Stream ciphers
operate on the data to be encrypted one byte at a time, for exemple by xoring it with a sequence of pseudorandom bytes.
Cryptographic hash functions
transform a bytesequence of arbitrary length into a short string of a fixed length of typically 16 or 20 bytes, in such a way that it is practically impossible to find two distinct strings with the same hash value.
Public key algorithms
can support both encryption and digital signatures.
Abstract building blocks
for combining ciphers (mainly for block ciphers). These objects behave like block ciphers, but delegate encryption to one or several underlying objects, in some way. For example, block ciphers are often used in a feedback mode. The ciphers by themselves know nothing about these different "modes of operation", instead this knowledge is abstracted into separate objects. If you want IDEA in Cipher Block Chaining mode, you combine an IDEA object and a CBC object.

is essential for many cryptographic application. The toolkit includes a few different random number generators, with varying degrees of true randomness.
Frontend objects
that handle things like padding messages, or make it more convenient to use popular combinations of ciphers, feedback modes, etc.

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