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2.3.2 search()

Searching for songs is quite easy too. To count the number of hits we declare the variable hits. Note that it's not necessary to initialize variables, that is done automatically when the variable is declared if you do not do it explicitly. To be able to use the builtin function search(), which searches for the presence of a given string inside another, we put the search string in lowercase and compare it with the lowercase version of every song. The use of search() enables us to search for partial song titles as well. When a match is found it is immediately written to standard output with the record name followed by the name of the song where the search string was found and a newline. If there were no hits at all, the function prints out a message saying just that.
void find_song(string title)
    string name, song;
    int hits;


            if(search(lower_case(song), title) != -1)
                write(name+"; "+song+"\n");

    if(!hits) write("Not found.\n");

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