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9.3 Standard streams - Stdio.stdin, stdout and stderr

Any UNIX program has three files open from the beginning. These are called standard input, standard output and standard error stream. These streams are available from Pike as well. They are called Stdio.stdin, Stdio.stdout and Stdio.stderr respectively. Standard input is a clone of Stdio.FILE, which means you can use the line oriented functions. Stdio.stdout and Stdio.stderr are simply clones of Stdio.File.


int main()
    int line;
    while(string s=Stdio.stdin.gets())
        write(sprintf("%5d: %s\n",line++,s));
This example will read lines from standard input for as long as there are more lines to read. Each line will then be written to stdout together with the line number. We could use Stdio.stdout.write instead of just write because they are the same function.

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