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3.1.2 switch

A more sophisticated condition control structure is the switch statement. A switch lets you select one of many choices depending on the value of an expression and it can look something like this:
switch ( expression )
    case constant1:

    case constant2:

    case constant3 .. constant4:

As you can see, a switch statement is a bit more complicated than an if statement. It is still fairly simple however. It starts by evaluating the expression it then searches all the case statements in the following block. If one is found to be equal to the value returned by the expression, Pike will continue executing the code directly following that case statement. When a break is encountered Pike will skip the rest of the code in the switch block and continue executing after the block. Note that it is not strictly necessary to have a break before the next case statement. If there is no break before the next case statement Pike will simply continue executing and execute the code after that case statement as well.

One of the case statements in the above example differs in that it is a range. In this case, any value between constant3 and constant4 will cause Pike to jump to statement3. Note that the ranges are inclusive, so the values constant3 and constant4 are also valid.

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