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Appendix D, BNF for Pike

BNF is short for "Backus Naur Form". It is a precise way of describing syntax. This is the BNF for Pike:
program::={ definition }
definition::=import | inheritance | function_declaration | function_definition | variables | constant | class_def
import::=modifiers import ( constant_identifier | string ) ";"
inheritance::=modifiers inherit program_specifier [ ":" identifier ] ";"
function_declaration::=modifiers type identifier "(" arguments ")" ";"
function_definition::=modifiers type identifier "(" arguments ")" block
variables::=modifiers type variable_names ";"
variable_names::=variable_name { "," variable_name }
variable_name::={ "*" } identifier [ "=" expression2 ]
constant::=modifiers constant constant_names ";"
constant_names::=constant_name { "," constant_name }
constant_name::=identifier "=" expression2
class_def::=modifiers class [ ";" ]
class::=class [ identifier ] "{" program "}"
modifiers::= { static | private | nomask | public | protected | inline }
block::="{" { statement } "}"
statement::=expression2 ";" | cond | while | do_while | for | switch | case | default | return | block | foreach | break | continue | ";"
cond::=if statement [ else statement ]
while::=while "(" expression ")" statement
do_while::=do statement while "(" expression ")" ";"
for::=for "(" [ expression ] ";" [ expression ] ";" [ expression ] ")" statement
switch::=switch "(" expression ")" block
case::=case expression [ ".." expression ] ":"
default::=default ":"
foreach::=foreach "(" expression ":" expression6 ")" statement
break::=break ";"
continue::=continue ";"
expression::=expression2 { "," expression2 }
expression2::={ lvalue ( "=" | "+=" | "*=" | "/=" | "&=" | "|=" | "^=" | "<<=" | ">>=" | "%=" ) } expression3
expression3::=expression4 '?' expression3 ":" expression3
expression4::={ expression5 ( "||" | "&&" | "|" | "^" | "&" | "==" | "!=" | ">" | "<" | ">=" | "<=" | "<<" | ">>" | "+" | "*" | "/" | "%" ) } expression5
expression5::=expression6 | "(" type ")" expression5 | "--" expression6 | "++" expression6 | expression6 "--" | expression6 "++" | "~" expression5 | "-" expression5
expression6::=string | number | float | catch | gauge | typeof | sscanf | lambda | class | constant_identifier | call | index | mapping | multiset | array | parenthesis | arrow
number::=digit { digit } | "0x" { digits } | "'" character "'"
float::=digit { digit } "." { digit }
catch::=catch ( "(" expression ")" | block )
gauge::=gauge ( "(" expression ")" | block )
sscanf::=sscanf "(" expression2 "," expression2 { "," lvalue } ")"
lvalue::=expression6 | type identifier | "[" [ lvalue { "," lvalue } [ "," ] ] "]"
lambda::=lambda "(" arguments ")" block
constant_identifier::=["."] identifier { "." identifier }
call::=expression6 "(" expression_list ")"
index::=expression6 "[" expression [ ".." expression ] "]"
array::="({" expression_list "})"
multiset::="(<" expression_list ">)"
mapping::="([" [ expression : expression { "," expression ":" expression } ] [ "," ] "])"
arrow::=expression6 "->" identifier
parenthesis::="(" expression ")"
expression_list::= [ splice_expression { "," splice_expression } ] [ "," ]
splice_expression::=[ "@" ] expression2
type::= ( int | string | float | program | object [ "(" program_specifier ")" ] | mapping [ "(" type ":" type ")" | array [ "(" type ")" ] | multiset [ "(" type ")" ] | function [ function_type ] ) { "*" }
function_type::="(" [ type { "," type } [ "..." ] ")"
arguments::=[ argument { "," argument } ] [","]
argument::=type [ "..." ] [ identifier ]
program_specifier::=string_constant | constant_identifier
string::=string_literal { string_literal }
identifier::=letter { letter | digit } | "`+" | "`/" | "`%" | "`*" | "`&" | "`|" | "`^" | "`~" | "`<" | "`<<" | "`<=" | "`>" | "`>>" | "`>=" | "`==" | "`!=" | "`!" | "`()" | "`-" | "`->" | "`->=" | "`[]" | "`[]="
letter::="a"-"z" | "A"-"Z" | "_"

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