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12.24 Image.JPEG


This module uses libjpeg, a software from Independent JPEG Group.


object decode(string data)
object decode(string data,  mapping options)
mapping _decode(string data)
mapping _decode(string data,  mapping options)
mapping decode_header(string data)

Decodes a JPEG image. The simple decode function simply gives the image object, the other functions gives a mapping of information (see below)

The options argument may be a mapping containing zero or more encoding options:

advanced options:
Do interblock smoothing. Default is on (1).
Do fancy upsampling of chroma components.
Default is on (1).
DCT method to use.
DEFAULT and FASTEST is from the jpeg library,
probably ISLOW and IFAST respective.

wizard options: "scale_num":1.. "scale_denom":1.. Rescale the image when read from JPEG data. My (Mirar) version (6a) of jpeglib can only handle 1/1, 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8.

_decode and decode_header gives a mapping as result, with this content:

size of image
image dpi, if known
file type information as MIME type

JPEG specific: "num_compontents":int number of channels in JPEG image "color_space":"GRAYSCALE"|"RGB"|"YUV"|"CMYK"|"YCCK"|"UNKNOWN" color space of JPEG image "density_unit":int "x_density":int "y_density":int density of image; unit is 1:dpi 2:dpcm 0:no units "adobe_marker":0|1 if the file has an adobe marker

Please read some about JPEG files.


string encode(object image)
string encode(object image,  mapping options)

Encodes a JPEG image.

The options argument may be a mapping containing zero or more encoding options:

normal options:
Set quality of result. Default is 75.
Optimize Huffman table. Default is on (1) for
images smaller than 50kpixels.
Make a progressive JPEG. Default is off.

advanced options: "smooth":1..100 Smooth input. Value is strength. "method":JPEG.IFAST|JPEG.ISLOW|JPEG.FLOAT|JPEG.DEFAULT|JPEG.FASTEST DCT method to use. DEFAULT and FASTEST is from the jpeg library, probably ISLOW and IFAST respective.

"density_unit":int "x_density":int "y_density":int density of image; unit is 1:dpi 2:dpcm 0:no units

wizard options: "baseline":0|1 Force baseline output. Useful for quality<25. Default is on for quality<25. "quant_tables":mapping(int,array(array(int))) Tune quantisation tables manually.

Please read some about JPEG files. A quality setting of 100 does not mean the result is lossless.

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