The object has color reduction, quantisation, mapping and dithering capabilities.
add takes the same argument(s) as create, thus adding colors to the colortable.
The colortable is mostly a list of colors, or more advanced, colors and weight.
The colortable could also be a colorcube, with or without additional scales. A colorcube is the by-far fastest way to find colors.
ct=colortable(my_image,256); // the best 256 colors ct=colortable(my_image,256,({0,0,0})); // black and the best other 255ct=colortable(({({0,0,0}),({255,255,255})})); // black and white
ct=colortable(6,7,6); // a colortable of 252 colors ct=colortable(7,7,5, ({0,0,0}),({255,255,255}),11); // a colorcube of 245 colors, and a greyscale of the rest -> 256
argument(s) | description |
array(array(int)) colors | list of colors |
object(Image.Image) image | source image |
int number | number of colors to get from the image
0 (zero) gives all colors in the image. Default value is 256. |
array(array(int)) needed | needed colors (to optimize selection of others to these given)
this will add to the total number of colors (see argument 'number') |
int r int g int b | size of sides in the colorcube, must (of course) be equal or larger than 2 - if smaller, the cube is ignored (no colors). This could be used to have only scales (like a greyscale) in the output. |
array(int) fromi array(int) toi int stepi | This is to add the possibility of adding a scale
of colors to the colorcube; for instance a grayscale
using the arguments ({0,0,0}),({255,255,255}),17,
adding a scale from black to white in 17 or more steps.
Colors already in the cube is used again to add the number of steps, if possible. The total number of colors in the table is therefore r*b*g+step1+...+stepn. |
example: (mapping)Image.Colortable(img)
argument(s) | description |
string to | must be "string", "array" or "mapping". |
The colorspace is divided in small cubes, each cube containing the colors in that cube. Each cube then gets a list of the colors in the cube, and the closest from the corners and midpoints between corners.
When a color is needed, the algorithm first finds the correct cube and then compares with all the colors in the list for that cube.
example: colors=Image.Colortable(img)->cubicles();
algorithm time: between O[m] and O[m * n], where n is numbers of colors and m is number of pixels
The arguments can be heavy trimmed for the usage of your colortable; a large number (10×10×10 or bigger) of cubicles is recommended when you use the colortable repeatedly, since the calculation takes much more time than usage.
recommended values:
image size setup 100×100 cubicles(4,5,4) (default) 1000×1000 cubicles(12,12,12) (factor 2 faster than default)
In some cases, the full method is faster.
original | default cubicles, 16 colors |
accuracy=200 |
argument(s) | description |
int r int g int b | Size, ie how much the colorspace is divided. Note that the size of each cubicle is at least about 8b, and that it takes time to calculate them. The number of cubicles are r*g*b, and default is 4,5,4, ie 80 cubicles. This works good for 200±100 colors. |
int accuracy | Accuracy when checking sides of cubicles. Default is 16. A value of 1 gives complete accuracy, ie cubicle() method gives exactly the same result as full(), but takes (in worst case) 16× the time to calculate. |
Not applicable to colorcube types of colortable.
The arguments to this method is for fine-tuning of the algorithm (for computer graphics wizards).
original | floyd_steinberg to a 4×4×4 colorcube | floyd_steinberg to 16 chosen colors |
argument(s) | description |
int bidir | Set algorithm direction of forward. -1 is backward, 1 is forward, 0 for toggle of direction each line (default). |
int|float forward int|float downforward int|float down int|float downback | Set error correction directions. Default is forward=7, downforward=1, down=5, downback=3. |
int|float factor | Error keeping factor. Error will increase if more than 1.0 and decrease if less than 1.0. A value of 0.0 will cancel any dither effects. Default is 0.95. |
example: colors=Image.Colortable(img)->full();
algorithm time: O[n*m], where n is numbers of colors and m is number of pixels
each pixel in the image object is an entry in the colortable
no dither | ||||||
floyd_steinberg dither | ||||||
ordered dither | ||||||
randomcube dither | ||||||
original | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 colors |
original | mapped to Image.Colortable(6,6,6)-> |
ordered (42,42,42,2,2) |
ordered() | ordered (42,42,42, 8,8, 0,0, 0,1, 1,0) |
argument(s) | description |
int r int g int b | The maximum error. Default is 32, or colorcube steps (256/size). |
int xsize int ysize | Size of error matrix. Default is 8×8. Only values which factors to multiples of 2 and 3 are possible to choose (2,3,4,6,8,12,...). |
int x int y int rx int ry int gx int gy int bx int by | Offset for the error matrix. x and y is for both red, green and blue values, the other is individual. |
The randomgrey method uses the same random error on red, green and blue and the randomcube method has three random errors.
original | mapped to Image.Colortable(4,4,4)-> |
randomcube() | randomgrey() | |
argument(s) | description |
int r int g int b int err | The maximum error. Default is 32, or colorcube step. |
All needed (see create) colors are kept.
reduce_fs creates and keeps the outmost corners of the color space, to improve floyd-steinberg dithering result. (It doesn't work very well, though.)
argument(s) | description |
int colors | target number of colors |
reduce_fs keeps the "corners" as "needed colors".
This is a very simple way of finding the correct color. The algorithm initializes a cube with r x g x b colors, where every color is chosen by closest match to the corresponding coordinate.
This format is not recommended for exact match, but may be usable when it comes to quickly view pictures on-screen.
It has a high init-cost and low use-cost. The structure is initiated at first usage.
Default factors are 3, 4 and 1; blue is much darker than green. Compare with Image.Image->grey().
argument(s) | description |
object(Colortable) with | Colortable object with colors to add |
argument(s) | description |
object(Colortable) with | Colortable object with colors to subtract |